Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good morning!

It is a lovely 10:13 am, with heat rising from the pavement faster than an egg can fry (whatever that means) and I am here, alone, as the boys, of varying ages and sizes, have all gone tripping off to ?? Hopefully to find gainful employment, so that they can come home with many lovely presents of $10 bills for me. I won't hold my breath, though.

Got some clothes put away, some hamburger out to make dinner, and managed to block that one site I have trouble not going back to. Actually, I did that before I went to bed, or, after I got up again and then before I went back to bed.

Cricket (grasshopper?) problems, last night. I was almost asleep and one of them thwacked the tin foil on the window. Others were rustling around. I think they might be eating it! There are little holes in many places. Grasshoppers are weird!

Anyway, hard to sleep with crickets and/or grasshoppers climbing about, jumping, thwacking aluminum foil, rustling worse than cattle thieves .. even the ones who fry eggs on sidewalks .. and generally living up to the title of "Bug". So, I got up, found myself on that site again, and someone tried to send me a virus, again. Fortunately, I had a new privacy firewall thingy installed.

Tonight, I shall probably make spaghetti, or, I might make a stew. Anyway, probably it will be one for one night and the other for the next night, as it is rather a large thing of ground beef and I had been too lazy to divide it up when it was purchased. Fortunately, it will be feeding 5 people, probably on both nights, so, it is not as bad as trying to plan meals for only one or two people, like when Erica was here.

That was a joke. See if you can catch it.

For breakfast, because it was one of the easiest things to find and utilize, I am having an old can of Wolfgang Puck's Chicken and Dumplings.

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