No money from anyone, but, at least they put in some good work, today. Still much to do by way of sorting out what to keep, but, the major trash is gone and the back room is semi-habitable. So, that's very cool.
Did not take my supplements last night (actually it would have been this morning as it was past 2:30 am before I went to bed), but, I'll try to remember to do it, tonight. I did remember them, last night, after I laid down, but, I was so sore.
My sister invited her son and his girlfriend to use her car to look for work in the morning, this morning, but ,they refused to go do it; and, that is after she explained the situation to them, that they had to find a job or they had to move out. So, Mom is writing them up an eviction notice and serving it upon them. Or, maybe Roberta is serving it upon them. Not sure. Anyway, they have definitely been being problematic in ways.
What really gets me is that they stole my food. No wait - I don't mean that just the way it sounds. It is that they know I am poor, they know they get more food stamps than me - okay and that's just part of it - because, they know I was sharing food with Roberta, on her days off, quite often; and, they know I sometimes buy her stuff when we are out or if she takes me shopping for groceries, so they are also hurting her and they are hurting the situation between themselves and her. But, wait, there's more.
My nephew thought my son stole things from his mom. This is not a "did he or didn't he issue", this is a he thought it happened, so, acting on his belief that it happened, he did what he thought was right. He beat my son up and has basically disowned him. He can't forgive him. He says it is unforgivable to steal from family.
Yet, he stole my food or at least he allowed someone else to steal it, and I don't see anyone's ass getting kicked or anyone getting shunned for it. And, since it was something I shared with his mother, sometimes, they stole her food as well. So, he did, in effect the same thing he thought my son did .. except ...
The things my son was accused of stealing were entertainment related. Food is survival. No one dies from not enough Braveheart; but, one can die from not enough food.
I want him to kick his own ass, for stealing from his mother and then to shun himself and refuse to ever give himself another cigarette or get himself stoned. Then, I want him to do it again, because, he stole from me.
Then, more importantly, I want him to start empathizing with people, understanding them from the viewpoint of the standards he has for himself, including allowing himself to fail but still treating himself as a member of the family, rather than the standards he can't live up to, but, which he holds other people up to and judges them by.
And, for the record, this was not just a little bit of food. Oh, I had my suspicions before this last week, that things were missing, but, I didn't write down everything I bought and all that, and the freezer was still fairly full. But, having the EBT card lost, having the problems with DES that I've been having, my sister having the problems that she's been having, I got worried.
Well, no, that's not st rictly accurate. I was worried if there was enough food; but, I noticed it happened because I was going to enhance some leftover spaghetti with frozen spinach and Italian Sausage and what I found was that the Italian Sausage that I had distinctly found and set in a convenient place, in case I wanted to use it for that very thing, the night before, was gone.
While searching for it, I found that almost all the frozen veggies and packages of chicken, etc. were also gone. I had one big chub of hamburger, 1 package of steaks, 2 packages of chicken, 2 things of Almond milk and 3 packages of frozen veggies left.
I should have had at least 6 things of Almond Milk left, and at least 8 packages of chicken, along with 4 or 5 packages of Italian Sausage, a few packages of chuck steak, some country style ribs, some pork chops (not sure how many) and a buttload of California style frozen veggies, frozen spinach, frozen green beans, mixed veggies (the kind that says for soup, but is like good quality Veg-All), some burritos, some more hot pockets, a package of chicken nuggets and another package of hamburger patties. And, that's what I, for sure, remember, that's missing.
Am watching a movie called Troll Hunter, which got some spectacularly lousy reviews on Netflix, though it got some good ones as well. So far, I am enjoying it, immensely, and would recommend it.
Oh, DES sent me a notice that they cut me off of Food Stamps, because, allegedly I did not make it to an interview on September 16th. However, I told them I had to do the interviews at home, for one thing; for another, I received no notice there would be an interview and no phone call from them. And, I did receive a letter telling me approval was pending them having all information by the 3rd of October and all information was turned in Friday, September 30th.
But, these are the people who have several different addresses on file for me, as well. So ...
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