fresh7up left the room
kai_brady: hahaha , such scrutiny ,
kogito71: it's about gathering info's
Hobbita: I have never been told not to know what other religious groups are doing, Kogito . In fact, I have been told that it's wise to keep well informed of world events and what other religions are doing is part of world events
yongybongybo2003: alpha, what is the apocrypha?
kogito71: i'm talking about outside UNCENSORED INFO's
popertops left the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Books that weren't included in the canon to make up the Bible
6packabs: yongy rediculous stuff
Hobbita: oh the apocrypha lol
yongybongybo2003: k
yongybongybo2003: ty
kogito71: Not what you get from yours
kai_brady: anybody here in SEFL
............ (cobra_head) joined the room
6packabs: yongy its like when i tried to read the Bhagavad-gita
kogito71: You should do it once
6packabs: its really boring and repetitive and no actual factual information
Hobbita: Kogito Jehovah's witnesses, a great many of them, have some rather accurate, quite often first hand knowledge of other religious beliefs It is seldom true of the reverse
kai_brady: so IS there ANYbody here in south east florida
6packabs: or information I could even quote
kogito71: What do you mean by that ?
kai_brady: and the reason for that is because alot of witness are coming from other religions
val (vhall_20) joined the room
Hobbita: Anything with Apocrypha .. apocryphal in the title is self-admitting to at the very least not being needed, at the worst to being outright lies
kai_brady: thats just my take
6packabs: semajoie:
shy_1012000 joined the room
cobra_head left the room
vhall_20 left the room
kai_brady: alrite i take it , thats a no then
6packabs: oops
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Some apocrypha has historic value but wasn't inspired and is evident by the author, the content and other factors
6packabs: add "definition" to the search
Hobbita: That and if you are going to be talking to Catholics, for instance, it does little good to try to explain why we are not all going to be on our own kind of planet
kai_brady left the room
kogito71: Imagine that you, as a Jehovah's Witness, wanted to convince a Roman Catholic of the errors found in the Catholic Church. But suppose that Roman Catholic would refuse to look at your literature or hear your arguments. How would you ever convince them that Roman Catholicism is wrong?
gunnerforever2003 joined the room
jimmy_iam: im not saying , dont come here or tellling anyone not to try to satisfy some spiritual need by coming in here , just dont expect an environment that is in anyway comparable to the kingdom hall
6packabs: like:
shy_1012000: i thought when the time came we or those who are chosen to stay would stay and clean up and take care of the earth have i been misinformed
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Using his own Bible kogito
kogito71: you use yours
Hobbita: Kogito, the Bible says they are wrong
kogito71: i use mine
Alpha Wolfs Pack: No, use his/her's
kogito71: ? If I was to give you literature which shows the error of the Watchtower, but you refuse to take it, how will you ever know about the errors of the Watchtower?"
Alpha Wolfs Pack: I used the New Jerusalem Bible many times
6packabs: bible is the bible
kogito71: NONONO
kogito71: 6 pac
Hobbita: and I know for a fact that a Pope wrote a diary and left it to the priests and in his diary he says that the mother church is wrong and is an abomination .. but he loves her so he will serve her anyway
6packabs: whats the difference? everybody sees the world differently
amorganokc joined the room
6packabs: ^^^ to kogs
pretty_purple_pedals joined the room
Hobbita: I think it was 14th century I do not remember now, though. It has something to do with a 4
6packabs: YES i LOVE this song
Hobbita: and it was old Could have been 1604 though lol
amorganokc: Hey JWs!
6packabs: UB$)
Hobbita: I read the translation of the diary from the library that is for Catholic clergy
i_preach_the_blood joined the room
6packabs: ub40
Alpha Wolfs Pack: ub40
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Yes
6packabs: ^^
amorganokc: Is everyone in here really a JW?
i_preach_the_blood: I AM'
kogito71: OMG NO
pretty_purple_pedals: well good morning Kogito...are you being nice ?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: We don't's a "CHATROOM"
6packabs: i am
multiminish left the room
kogito71: no reason not to be
Hobbita: which is another thing. people are on about how Jehovah's witnesses do not know what their leaders are up to, but how many Catholics know that even some of their Pope's called their religion false and against God and then continued to practice it out of love for the traditions anyway?
pretty_purple_pedals: {-x
kogito71: Only when my GAY freind comes and harasses me i'll get mad
jimmy_iam: i know there are some witnesses who come into this chat room and i see them trying to use this forum to share what they believe , but i also some of the same witnesses who appear to be so dedicated and serious about the truth get carried away from time to time and ramble on about an experience or event in there lives that is of no importance and has no bearing or is in anyway connected to the truth
gunnerforever2003 left the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Why I entitled it chat or chatroom and put "Fun Room!"
yongybongybo2003: phew! gotta take a breather
jo4reals joined the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack: lol yongy
Hobbita: duh!
Alpha Wolfs Pack: You've been reading all this time yongy?
yongybongybo2003: yep
yongybongybo2003: lol
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Cool
Hobbita: I was trying to get into my mail by logging into Yazak
6packabs: lol
Hobbita: Good thing it didn't work or I'd have been surprised
Alpha Wolfs Pack: I guess you missed some talking about you yongy then
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Joking lol
i_preach_the_blood left the room
yongybongybo2003: i shall go back to my reading in a mo...
yongybongybo2003: who?
yongybongybo2003: what did they say?
Hobbita: oh yes, remember when you said she ... .and then I said that she might have meant ... and then
Alpha Wolfs Pack: No one, was joking with you ha ha
Hobbita: lol
yongybongybo2003: where they mean?
Hobbita: oh dear
yongybongybo2003: <paranoia!
Hobbita: It's all a joke, yongy
Alpha Wolfs Pack: lol
yongybongybo2003: he said she said
Hobbita: cool .. and then we played the song You're A Movie
yongybongybo2003: talk about things he said she said do anything
pretty_purple_pedals: brb
pretty_purple_pedals left the room
kogito71: 1874
jimmy_iam: im probably foremost as one who comes here and let go and say things that are easy to spot as wordly baggage and conflict with true christian behavior and speech
~~WOODY~~ (woodnymph731) joined the room
jimmy_iam: i see it all the time and am very much guilty just as much as anyone
Hobbita: brb
pretty_purple_pedals joined the room
Black: yeah, i like this song
6packabs: brb
jw_6packabs left the room
pretty_purple_pedals: great songs Alpha
amorganokc: Why do you believe JW over Christianity
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Do you think I'd walk away from a door or talking to someone on the street Jimmy who was telling me how things were going on their lives in relation to my having a scriptural discussion? I talk to many, many, many non-Witnesses nearly daily
shadow007m joined the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
Black: \?
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
Black: &-)
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
snowboarder_guy768 joined the room
Black busts a move
jimmy_iam: im not saying to avoid or refrain from talking to others who are non witnesses , the only point im trying to get across here is that this is a risky place and those who come here are subject to all sorts of ideas , beliefs and behavior and speech that exudes with loose conduct
Alpha Wolfs Pack: The world is a risky place Jimmy
jimmy_iam: people even come here on dope and drunk
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Like I haven't met any at the door
Raven (raven_crest2001) joined the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack: I've had some fine discussions with those who had been drinking or on drugs
jimmy_iam: yes and dont expect this room to be any less risky
snowboarder_guy768: heaven forbid people come here and find our your religion is false kimmy
shy_1012000: how would we know what is the truth if we don't talk with other people to hear the lies and make up our own minds by what we see is right and wrong
phat20us joined the room
kogito71: YOU are told to "test all things" ( 1 Thess. 5:21).
Alpha Wolfs Pack: My territory for street witnesses was a main road for prostitutes and drug addicts, many stopped to listen, take literature and even greeted me whenever they saw me during their business by name...
pretty_purple_pedals: exactly Kogito
Alpha Wolfs Pack: *street witnessing
kogito71: Do you get a discount ?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: People are people
shy_1012000 left the room
shadow007m: did you know that Prince the singer is already a JW?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Yes
Black: kogito..what are u talking about
Hobbita: He's just being creepy gross, Black
snowboarder_guy768: yeah so is micheal jackson
shadow007m: cool....
Black: lol
Hobbita: and he said he'd be nice .. tsk tsk
Black: yeah, we know that is a lie
phat20us: micheal wuz never a witness
phat20us: he was an assisiate of witness,
snowboarder_guy768: was too
Black: venus and serena...williams
awitnessforjehovah: Jacksons have never been baptized
phat20us: his mom is a witness
shadow007m: michael he was disfellowed
phat20us: he was never babtized, prince is babtized
phat20us: weird uh?
awitnessforjehovah: Yes- Prince is baptized
snowboarder_guy768: so you don't need to be baptized to be a witness
snowboarder_guy768: isn't that true
jimmy_iam: im all for being open minded and willing to talk to anyone who wants to talk to me and be just as friendly and willling to consider the opinions of others , people are basically free to say as they please in here but i know that when i disagree with someone in here or critizise them for any reason im not going to forget that they can retaliate and that what may ensue is an argument or debate and mud slinging and as humans we can all succumb to that sort of behavior if provoked enough
awitnessforjehovah: Yes but you can attend some meetings and not be a witness
shadow007m: well....Prince is cool
Hobbita: From what I heard, the dad was definitely one of Jehovah's witnesses and was disfellowshipped, then asked to stop telling people he is one of Jehovah's witnesses, and eventually threatened with a law suit if he did not stop because he was on stage in Vegas with show girls publicly declaring himself to be one of Jehovah's witnesses
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Then like I would do in that situation Jimmy is walk away and here, I use the ignore button
Alpha Wolfs Pack: A form of walking away
Hobbita: I do not know that this is true. I do know that he was still claiming it years after I was told that
yongybongybo2003: right, im gunna take my dogs 4 a walk, see ya in a bit
yongybongybo2003 left the room
kogito71: I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?
jimmy_iam: so my message is dont be surprised by anything you see on this screen and dont be so quick to start ridiculing and bad mouthing someone for what they say or do in here
ak (lovejamesandak) joined the room
phat20us left the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack: wb AK
Black: hi ak
ak: helloo brothers
Hobbita: jimmy has spoken
ak: i'm fine
Hobbita: I'm not making fun, by the way .. I think it was rather well spoken
pretty_purple_pedals: lol@this song
Hobbita: I hope this doesn't lead anyone into thinking I'm flirting lol
kogito71: you call this fine ?
sxanthop joined the room
pretty_purple_pedals: sorry I dont add people I dont know
Black: hi sxanthop
jimmy_iam: regardless of what someone believes or what sort of rhetoric the espouse in here ive found it okay to let things go sometimes and let everyone have their say and try to be peacable so far as it depends on you no matter what comment are made or stories that are told ,
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Hey sxanthop
Hobbita: and I find that sometimes if you don't offer a differing viewpoint when they are saying something apocryphal about Jehovah's witnesses, God, or Jesus then other people assume you agree with them
sxanthop: Hi Alpha
Alpha Wolfs Pack: I'm sure most of us endeavor to do that Jimmy, here and in the world outside
Hobbita: or assume that the one typing is the one that's right
snowboarder_guy768: here is what i don't get. witnesses don't believe in a physical ressurection, but it's all over the bible. what about when Jesus ate the fish and honeycomb?
teepee_29 joined the room
Hobbita: You should respect other people's beliefs .. and vice versa
shadow007m left the room
shadow007m joined the room
kogito71: Does a person have to be part of the Watchtower organization to be saved?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: wb shadow
teepee_29: hi to all
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Don't know where you got your information from snow
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Hey teepee
shadow007m: hi alpha
Lisaf (lisaf2u) joined the room
teepee_29: hi alpha
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Hi fasil
kogito71: HELLO KOGITO
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
kogito71: Does a person have to be part of the Watchtower organization to be saved?
Lisaf: hi alpha
Hobbita: Kogito, we've been through that a million kajillion times
Black: there are millions that will be save...kogito
Lisaf: hello everyone
kogito71: YES OR NO
snowboarder_guy768 left the room
jimmy_iam: this room easily becomes a madhouse at times there are no hard and fast rules in here that govern who comes here or what they say , so if someone wants to say something to me that i find offensive then dont be surprised if i just like a lot of other become a first rate mud slinger and say things that might be offensive
Lisaf: hey u ahve been asking the same question since yesterday
Black: lisa..that is just him
kogito71: ANd still no answer
Hobbita: Is a person who is out in the middle of an African jungle with no one but themselves and their family a part of the Watch Tower organization? No Does that mean he rejected the truth and has an improper heart condition? No
Black: trying to push ppls buttons
Lisaf: hello Jimmy
kogito71: well mr brown. it cany be
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Nah, kogito got his answer before...Jehovah reads hearts, we don't
Hobbita: Wrong. You are continually answered and choose to ignore it until someone says Yes, so you can tell them they are wrong
kogito71: it cant be
semajoie left the room
kogito71: because you dont have any more to be pushed
kogito71: it's done already
Black: can what answering your question right now
Hobbita: But the answer is that it's not our place to judge and we don't know all the facts of anyone
Lisaf: u are ryt alpha
Alpha Wolfs Pack: We aren't the judges...Jehovah is the judge of who or who will not be saved...his Son will soon separate the sheep from the goats
Black: me can get to me
Black: i already now what you are about...
Black: know*
Black: feel sick all you want....
kogito71: i do
jimmy_iam: see another -- example of the confusion chaos and misinformation that infiltrates the room
Hobbita: over and over I tell you the same things, in different words .. and believe me I don't do it for your benefit, because you don't want to listen I do it for the benefit of the people you try to mislead with your question
roberto_kalmi joined the room
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Hobbita
kogito71: a question that eve a child could answer
Hobbita: although, there is always the hope you'll listen eventually
kogito71: n*
kogito71: ?
kogito71: lol
Hobbita: an answer that even a child could hear
Alpha Wolfs Pack: You answer kogito
kogito71: but your'e all well trained
Black: a child guys
kogito71: we know that
Hobbita: That's a good idea
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Who will God save and not save?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: You answer that for the room kogito
kogito71: 144 000
Hobbita: Yes, please, Kogito Let's hear your answer
kogito71: no women
pretty_purple_pedals: LOL...Kogito....everyone knows you and that you will ask the same question over and over again, no matter how many times you have been answered, Now be nice
Hobbita: Is that your belief Kogito? I'm surprised
Lisaf: why not Kognita?
semajoie joined the room
kogito71: no that is not my beliefe
Hobbita: Well, then, why give that as an answer?
jimmy_iam: well is anyone going to respond to that tidbit of misinformation
kogito71: that is the spreaded truthe
Hobbita: We wanted to know YOUR answer
Alpha Wolfs Pack: No, want to know who you think God will save and not save kogito
Alpha Wolfs Pack: You personally
Black: lol...kogito...u are so funny to me
teepee_29: alpha are you an elder
community use (writeprofilename) joined the room
Black: you are better than a
kogito71: The holy trinity will save every one and every thing
roberto_kalmi left the room
jimmy_iam: do they , the witnesses or do they not believe in a physical resurrection as snow wants to know
Black: lol
Hobbita: Everyone?
kogito71: Brown I could make a monkey out of you, but why should I take all the credit?
kogito71: even the JW's
Black: well, you aint really for me...
Hobbita: Even the people who say they hate God and who want to kill and rape?
kogito71: He is a forgiving god
kogito71: a god of love
kogito71: yes em
kogito71: Yes beauty, even them
bowasbunch309 joined the room
Hobbita: Sure, he's forgiving. . but how will there be no more sorrow or sickness or death with people like that around? Unless there is no more free will?
community use: Michael, the Archangel, died for our sins. Pray to this angel, for he is God.
Hobbita: Some of them, probably .. mental health issues always being, well, an issue
kogito71: WRITE your completly peng peng
writeprofilename left the room
teepee_29: angels are not God
Black: you are ready for me...kogito
bowasbunch309: is it bad for a witness to smoke pot?
Hobbita: define bad in context
kogito71: brown you want to rape me or what ?
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
jimmy_iam: pharmakia
bowasbunch309: bad means bad i only graduated highscool
Black: lol...kogito....get a life
kogito71: I bet your mother has a loud bark!
Hobbita: lol Well, it's bad for me, regardless of spiritual issues
amorganokc: Community, if you believe that michael the archangel died for our sins, then you claim Jesus is not God
amorganokc: and you are saying that Jesus is Michael.. right?
Hobbita: You know, I don't want to encourage insulting, but that was kind of funny
Black: paradise
shadow007m left the room
shadow007m joined the room
kogito71: BROWN, I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
bowasbunch309: is anyone actually a jehovahs witness in here
Black: no more pain....out cry...
amorganokc: Then Community, you would believe that Michael is the savior
amorganokc: right?
Hobbita: that was not so funny, much cruder
amorganokc: what's up bow
kogito71: Want more ?
Black: you are not ready for me...
jimmy_iam: pot smoking what about it
kogito71: Here's 20 cents. Call all your friends and bring back some change!
amorganokc: <--- ignored kog
awitnessforjehovah: back- what are we discussing?
Black: you can't make a call with 20 cents
kogito71: you got it !!
bowasbunch309: somebody reenstate me
Hobbita: kind of cute .. a little too obscure
Black: that is why i have a cell phone...
steeple_man44 joined the room
amorganokc: what's up bow
Black: lol
Alpha Wolfs Pack:
bowasbunch309: i need reenstatement
kogito71: Then go ahead brown, tell them everything you know. It'll only take 10 seconds.
amorganokc: reenstatement?
Black: you need medical help
Black: lol
bowasbunch309: medical help?
kogito71: As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
Hobbita: Black is a wonderful so and so who knows .. well, something anyway
amorganokc: <--- decided to give kog another chance... but was let down again... ignoring permanently
Hobbita: now that was cute, kogito
kogito71: ty amor
kogito71: ?
Lisaf: hey Kogoto i thought u were trying to be spiritual
Hobbita: a person just came online who is on my friends list .. and I don't know who they are!
jimmy_iam: there is no reason to think more of ourselves than is neccessary , all the knowledge and so called smarts in the world will not save us , jehovahs people take in so much information it can be tempting to admire ourselves , our intellect or other abilities , its pride and boasting or drawing attention to ourselves and what we know and how smart we are is an unattractive trait
kogito71: thats another room
Black: who are we in a race againist kogito
Black: the are the only one
Hobbita: apparently it's unattractive to just know stuff
Lisaf: person who wants to be "Saved"
sponge_bob_square_thong joined the room
bowasbunch309: i'll go to paradise
bowasbunch309: i hope so anyway
Hobbita: If someone asks you a question more than once and you know the answer, then you're a show off, a know it all, a bitch, slut, whiner, and fat ass to boot
Hobbita: That is the world for you
kogito71: lisa , i let every one his belief, one must only explain it to me witout using bibletexts or answer around the coyner.
Hobbita: But that's just me being a liar, anyway
kogito71: I am an old stupid fool, so i dont have any educ. and need straight answer to understand
amorganokc: that makes you an atheist kog
Hobbita: uhm, why would you want an answer that wasn't from the Bible, kogito, when the Bible is the Holy Scripture and many base their lives on the content therein?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: John 17:3 This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.
Hobbita: oh, short and sweet then kogito, ready:
bowasbunch309: well see you all in paradise I gotta lay down i broke my arm the other night
awitnessforjehovah: Why does it bother you so much what we believe Kogito?
kogito71: So not one of you has an own oppinion ?
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Sorry to hear that bowasbunch
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Hope you feel better
amorganokc: What's your question kog?
kogito71: because i am trying to understand you
Hobbita: You didn't ask for our opinion, you asked for belief
bowasbunch309 left the room
amorganokc: I'll give you my opinion.. what's your question
awitnessforjehovah: it does not appear so- all I have seen you do is bash people
Hobbita: belief is based on fact, the facts are from the Bible
Lisaf: and do u think that any human can give u straight answer? I DONT THINK SO
awitnessforjehovah: that is more hate than trying to understand
Hobbita: Kogito, I will tell you who gets saved. Short and sweet and no scriptures quoted:
semajoie: in your opinion - all who are in this room - what does "taking in knowledge" mean?
kogito71: Does a person have to be part of the Watchtower organization to be saved?
Lisaf: i well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step Jeremiah 10:23
amorganokc: No
steeple_man44: wow jimmy thats an understatement ?But couldi add that the key is all the knowlege cant save no head knowlege can only when we attain to that HEART KNOWLEGE OF FAITH IS THERE TRUE SALVATION and it is not taught at the hall .At the hall its all in the Right head knowkege and a rightious life of works for watchtower who keeps the books and FORGIVENESS THROUGH JESUS SHED BLOOD is not where its at .Jesus is taught but not utilized its all to Jehovah bypassing Jesus but utilizing some of his teachings
amorganokc: No. Kog.. a person does not have to be part of the Watchtower to be saved
Lisaf: we need Gods Guidance and it is in the BIBLE
Hobbita: Whomever is found worthy regardless of any factors man might judge by
Alpha Wolfs Pack: John 17:3 This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.
jimmy_iam: i cant remember for sure isnt that john 17, 3 like the first step to becoming a dedicated servant of jehovah
amorganokc: and no one can show you in the Bible where it says that you must be in the Watchtower
kogito71: contradicts the Watchtower. GB 52, 53, 163, 164
pretty_purple_pedals left the room
Hobbita: see, I knew it .. you just want to be that way
Hobbita: and what is GB?
sponge_bob_square_thong: joe
amorganokc: It may contridict the watchtower.. but the watchtower claims to be based on the Bible.. show show me where in the Bible where it says that
steeple_man44: YES ALPHA JESUS CHRIST is where its at and watchtower doesnt use the name Christ they say its pagan so why use it??
amorganokc: you won't find it
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Why lie steeple?
Hobbita: that is completely untrue steeple_man
Alpha Wolfs Pack: You are doing someone's work but it isn't from the Bible Steeple
amorganokc: Steeple.. that's a complete contridiction..
amorganokc: Jesus name in translated from the Greek is "Jehovah Saves"
kogito71: Can the Bible be interpreted correctly only by the Watchtower?
Hobbita: Christ is a title Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ
steeple_man44: well is Christ used in the new world translation and difine in watchtowers definition where the word came from?
amorganokc: No kog.. it's not the Watchtower's job to interpet the bible
Alpha Wolfs Pack: Steeple, you just lied so who's will are you doing? John 8:44
Black: christ is used in the NWT
kogito71: contradicts Watchtower GB 166, 167, 171
Hobbita: Kogito, you have proven yourself unworthy to reply to. You do not seek knowledge but argument and you lie to get it
steeple_man44: in what did i lie alpha
steeple_man44: what words were a lie
kogito71: no
steeple_man44: i will admit if you can tell me
amorganokc: Kog.. I'll talk to you